Well...The spring break that wasn't is almost over. I find it is hitting me harder this year than it normally does. I don't like to whine on such a public forum, but I feel the need to rant a bit. I have worked every spring break since my undergrad, but for some reason this one, like this past Christmas break, feels particularly unsatisfying. I am not rested, I am not ahead of my tasks, and I feel like I haven't done anything constructive neither creatively nor academically. My to-read list still remains, my chore list still remains, my unwritten letters, meditation, self-discovery, and knitting projects ALL still remain!!
Even when I worked nights, I still felt like my last spring break meant something. Being the introspective creature that I am, I started thinking about why this could be. Part of it could be due to the fact that I am ending one aspect of my life and acknowledging that might be causing me subconscious panic, since I feel up in the air future-wise. Another part of me could cite ineffective prioritizing and time management (ironic considering I have done research on that very subject and it is going to be a future topic). I let too many things become urgent-important or urgent-not important and let the important-not urgent stuff end up in the back burner. (For the urgency matrix, look up Stephen R. Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People")
Regardless, I feel more harried than ever. None of my weekends seem to be free until after graduation, so I can't rely on them for the break I desperately need. Even my body feels the effects, tired, worn down, and sick. I haven't had a manicure, a hair trim, and barely have time to gather my thoughts. I also feel listless, undesiring to work, unable to concentrate, and impatient.
I need a break from Spring Break...