Friday, September 6, 2013

Honor thy commitments

So this week has been a little crazy, but what has really prompted me to write is the fact that while I work for my dream organization, and I get to do the kind of work that makes a difference in the lives of others, I have the skills, knowledge and capability to do more. As it stands, I just started this new job almost three months ago, and while I love it (direct services and working with clients, and making a difference), my skill set and my talent lies in community building and creating relationships between organizations. I'm a community psychologist, that's part of what I do, along with evaluation and some development.

Incidentally, the board of trustees for my organization is considering putting into place a position that would do all the community-building work that I also love. So which to choose? Do I honor my 2-year commitment with my position in case management and social services, or do I say, "screw it, I'm going for the job in which I actually have my master's training, and I can use my skills in that area"?

Hence the rock and the hard place.

The key thing to remember, especially as I grow older, is that I need to honor my commitments. How does it look to give up a stable job, and adding stability to an organization and a position, when I just "upgrade" into something after only 3 months of working at it?  Truth be told, while I really want this "new position" I need to honor the commitment I made. My mother (whose birthday is today, btw) has taught me that I need to honor my commitments, and that I need to keep my promises. When I signed my paperwork with my organization, I was committed to spending 2 years in my current position, stabilizing it, and making sure that I helped the organization with its growth.

I guess that means that no, I won't be making a leap into the next upgrade. Most likely it means I will be volunteering my time to help this person and perhaps after my two year commitment is done, revisit the question. 

I will be an adult and honor my commitment. It speaks more about me (and my character)  than what position I hold in the organization.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely. You have made the right choice. Kudos to you!

    Also, kudos (and happy birthday!) to your Mom for teaching you to keep your promises. Many people don't these days.
